This is a print of a painting that my father did sometime around the year 2000. He was inspired to paint this picture for my mother-in-law, who had lost her husband, my father-in-law, to a prolonged illness, and then after he died, her home was burned down to the ground.  My dad wanted to encourage her in some way, and this picture of the Rock of Ages had meant something to her, though she had never had a copy, and didn't know where to obtain one.  So my dad painted a copy of it for her, and these are his words about the painting:

"Probably the most unusual thing about this painting is the face that suddenly appeared on the cross arm of the cross. The artist did not paint it in; in fact, he was just about to make a stroke when he noticed the face as if it were saying to the woman clinging to the cross in the midst of a raging storm, "Hold on, my child".  It is so good to know that there is a refuge we can cling to in the storms of life!

The artist was inspired to paint this picture for a fine Christian lady who lives in Kansas who lost her wonderful Christian husband and later her house burned while she was out of the state.  Now prints have been made for distribution and encouragement."

My dad gave away many prints, also accepting donations for some. It was one of the last paintings he ever did before his own passing in 2004. It was very special to him, to see the face appear on the arm of the cross, when he never intended to paint it in.  He felt that his work had been approved by his Maker.
May it be an encouragement to you also!