This exquisite bouquet is perfect for weddings and is made from high-quality foam material that gives it a stunning and realistic look. The bouquet is expertly crafted with handmade black and white roses and embellishments that make it a unique and eye-catching addition to any wedding ceremony. It is suitable for any wedding theme and will complement the bride's dress perfectly. The bouquet is lightweight, durable, and easy to carry, making it an ideal choice for any wedding occasion.

The bouquet is designed to impress and is perfect for any wedding ceremony. It is made with care and attention to detail and is sure to make a lasting impression on your guests. The beautiful black and white roses and embellishments are arranged in a bouquet form and are perfect for any bride who wants to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to her special day

Size is approx 25cm x 26cm

Some of the embellisments maybe slightly tarnished from sitting in the box.

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