Oil dipstick guide funnel 19750

Guide funnel for the oil dipstick from FEBI 19750

Suitable for many 1.9l TDI models from the VAG GROUP

color orange
Material: Plastic
Length: 76.5mm

corresponds to OE:

Scope of delivery:
1 piece funnel

We would be happy to check whether the chassis number fits into your vehicle before Purchase.
Also available in a set with oil dipstick or for other engines in the shop. You can also find suitable oil pan, cylinder head components, connecting rod bearings, main bearings, thrust washers, piston rings, screws, seals, water pump, thermostat or other engine parts in our shop. We would be happy to make you an individual offer for your engine parts. Just contact us...

  • Item number: 1000019750
  • EAN: 4027816197508
  • Weight: 0.005kg
The parts descriptions shown here are provided by the manufacturers or Importers of the parts provided. However, this data may not be enough to clearly identify the part you are looking for. The manufacturers may require information about the vehicle (identification via HSN/TSN or vehicle catalog, chassis number or first registration) or its equipment variants (e.g. engine code, installed brake system) are not comprehensively reproduced, are incorrect or are not known. If in doubt, we ask you to contact us before the purchase to contact by email. We check the fit of the products using the 17-digit chassis number in order to avoid bad purchases. We are a professional supplier of engine and vehicle parts with many years of experience in parts trading. For you this means: bran