Museum Quality Dire Wolf Jaws

Aenocyon(Canis) dirus
Left jaw: 4"
Right Jaw: 2 1/2"
Carnassial Crown Lengths: 31mm

Found in North Florida, a major site for Ice Age remains, Dire wolf fossils are some of the rarest fossils to find. Much rarer are whole teeth, even rarer are jaw sections. This is the rarest of the rare: an associated left and right side of a Dire Wolf lower jaw. The left side has the carnassial, the massive m1, and two complete premolars, p4-p3. The right side had the massive carnassial and the m2, the rearmost lower molar. All teeth have incredible preservation with crazed black and white patterns. The jawbone is solid and well mineralized. One of the best Dire Wolf fossils available on the market.