Tales as old as time have been told of the underworld, the netherworld, the afterlife... Whatever you refer to it as, there are very few ways to connect with this fifth dimensional realm while we are alive on Earth. Ancient relics, few and far between, have encompassed the desire of humans and have been passed down, stowed away, and worshipped for thousands of years! Many portals were hidden away and survived all the way until the Medieval times, as they were disguised or sold as art to keep safe. Unfortunately, as art, books, and other important timepieces were destroyed during those days- nothing was safe.  As a seeker and follower of the limited, highly desirable, and powerful talisman with the power to connect us to this dimension, I can attest that this Pentagram mirror is one of the authentic doors to the afterlife. I had my eye on this specific device for over 25 years and was finally able to locate it from my entrusted vendor who was doing shadow work in Wales. It had been passed down as a local family's heirloom, and not knowing the true nature of the stained-glass beauty, was sold at an estate sale. When word got to me about the finding of this antique mirror, I made a last second trip overseas to verify and purchase this long-lost portal. As a long practitioner of magic and protector of spirits, I knew that if in the wrong hands, this power could wreak havoc in this physical world. With this portal- comes great divine responsibility! One must first understand the capabilities of this gateway to understand the weight of its power.  

~Control the minds and energy fields of people around you 

~Read minds  

~Astral travel and project yourself through time and space dimensions- there are no limits! 

~Harvest energy for beauty, status, opportunity, youth, and knowledge 

~Summon the spirits of the Underworld, they are at the master's beck and call 

~Call on demons, fallen angels, Reptilian Humanoids, Shapeshifters, and other Demonic Creatures 

~Unlock the physical power of the ancient 252-million-year-old land 

~Interdimensional Spirit Travel between realms 

~Access dark Gods and Goddesses of war, wealth, sexuality, nature, beauty, and elements 


These are some of the powers to name a few, so please... please think about what can be done, and how this power can be harvested and directed upon its ownership. I can no longer house this beautiful key to the dark afterlife, as it has proven to be too active in my household. I hope to trust its new owner with this new way of life. To access this portal, and upkeep its power, it will come with several rituals for different scenarios, and some items that are used to perform these rituals. For those seeking a new statement piece for their paranormal collection, this one is sure to wow all who come by it. If you have any questions or hesitations before considering this purchase, I would be happy to help you make this decision. Please contact me for any further information on this device! I know how holding an item of such power can be stressful and exciting. I am here to help. Thank you for looking, dear one. I hope that the buyer of this item is ready to transcend into a higher state of living.  



*~With your order you will receive your new companion with a set of individualized instructions on how to call on them and bond. If you have any questions throughout any step in the process, from receiving your item to the ritual, I take pride in staying available to my customers. Please contact me with any questions! It may be easiest to reach me via email.


*DISCLAIMER: Hello, thank you for your interest in this one-of-a-kind item. With your purchase of this product, you will receive a PHYSICAL ITEM. Per the policy, it must be stated that any item listed as metaphysical, paranormal, haunted, or enchanted is for entertainment purposes only! This item is being listed as a tangible accessory, and any information provided about it is from my PERSONAL experience and opinions. I will not be held liable for any amount of activity, or lack thereof, after the purchase of this product. I cannot guarantee the desired results. I cannot accept returns or exchanges for any purchase, as it is considered a one-of-a-kind item that has been blessed specifically for its new owner. This is a private listing, and your information, and knowledge of purchase, will be kept private. Metaphysical/ Paranormal items are not a substitute for medical, financial, emotional, mental, physical, or any other sort of qualified care or guidance from licensed professionals. Your new talisman will commit to you, if you commit to it! Please be ready for this upon purchase. You must be 18 years or older to buy this item. Many blessings my friend.