Hi if your wondering if you have seen them before its because its me moldavite07 I had to close the other store as I had issues with eBay , all is fine now and I wanted to start again from fresh 

Libyan Desert Glass. 8.9ct stone with hallmarked .925 silver clasps

This is the exact one you will receive each one has been expertly wrapped in solid .925 silver and each one is unique and more wonderful in real life

People are saying this is the new moldavite...I think it will become as popular and of course its more affordable. Top quality clear smooth grade of LDG, people are saying it is the new moldavite due to its energy and unknown origin, its certainly more affordable and despite their being a lot of it , the average person isn't able to go to the areas due to the danger of kidnap and legality of collecting it..
Items are listed elsewhere so can be changed

Libyan Desert Glass is found only in a remote and inhospitable area of the Great Sand Sea of Egypt, near the Libyan border.

Libyan Desert Glass is not cheap, because it costs a lot of money to mount an expedition to the remoter parts of the desert to collect it. However, with current prices only about the same as those of non-jewellery grade Moldavite, I cannot recommend too highly getting a small piece of this amazing material for your collection.
Archeologists investigating the myriad treasures of King Tutankhamuns tomb were long mystified by the beautiful, buttercup-yellow carved scarab beetle that highlighted the Boy Kings jeweled pendant. The researchers knew the scarab was made of glass but no other known ancient Egyptian glass matched its ethereal shade and mineral content. Finally in 1998, an Italian mineralogist proved that the carved scarab in Tuts breastplate was made of Libyan Desert glass.

However, its origin is a mystery. This is an exceptionally pure form of silica glass, that has been formed at too high a temperature for normal volcanic activity. This, and the presence of typical meteoric material with a high iridium content in many samples, indicates that it is probably a tektite, that is to say a material that has been formed as the result of the impact of a large meteor. The problem with this theory is that there is no evidence of a nearby impact crater. It may be that the tektite was formed by a glancing blow from a large extra-terrestrial object.
As a tektite, it is very unusual in being nearly clear and a beautiful greenish yellow colour. The vast majority of tektites are black; just about the only other well-known coloured tektite is Moldavite.
The material was well-known to stone age peoples who lived in the area hundreds of thousands of years ago, before it became desert. They made tools from it, in much the same way as European stone age men made tools from flint. But, by the time of the great Egyptian Pharaohs, the area was almost inaccessible and only a few very hardy desert explorers, even among the desert dwelling nomads who must have traded regularly with the inhabitants of the Nile valley, would have ventured so far out. For this reason, the splendid yellow-green stone that was to form the centrepiece of the pectoral (breast-jewel) worn by Tutankhamen would have been highly prized for its rarity value alone. That it was carved in the form of a Scarab, symbol of the Sun-god Ra, seems to indicate that the ancient Egyptians were aware of the powerful Cosmic connections that are brought in by this stone.

Melody's words about Moldavite: "A pathway of interdimensional access to the highest Galactic energies, bringing higher thought forms and patterns through to the Earth plane. A multidimensional passage into other realms" (paraphrased) apply equally well to Libyan Desert Glass. However, rather than operating in the realms of the higher Chakras, Libyan Desert Glass appears to operate directly on the Vishudda (throat) and Anahata (heart) centres. Notice that the jewel of Tutankhamen was designed to be worn over the heart.
This means that Libyan Desert Glass acts as a focus and a channel for bringing Cosmic energies directly into the centre of being: the source and contact for universal love and harmony.
This energy will become essential over the next decade or so as mankind shifts its consciousness into a new age of being. Prophets of doom predict the end of the world; what is really in store for us is the end of the world as we know it. To be sure, there are hard times ahead, but these are to be perceived only as the birth pangs of a new Golden Age which many of us alive today will be privileged to see in the not very far distant future.
This stone is also a teacher, having a strong resonance with the Hermit of the Tarot deck. And on a physical level, it can help to strengthen and energize the heart and chest.
Libyan Desert Glass is not cheap, because it costs a lot of money to mount an expedition to the remoter parts of the desert to collect it. However, with current prices only about the same as those of non-jewellery grade Moldavite, I cannot recommend too highly getting a small piece of this amazing material for your collection.