Introducing the ARMED LASERS line of high power Laser Pointers!

This handheld unit stands high above the rest! With an oversized solid aluminum heatsink, this setup ensures proper laser heat dissipation and keeps optical power output at the highest levels while protecting the diode from overheating issues which is a huge design flaw in nearly all brand store laser pointers.

This is a high power blue burning laser with a power output of 8+W and a wavelength of 450nm. This laser comes with a Nichia NUBMOF 9w Laser diode, which is one of the highest power diodes currently available. With a G8 lens, the optical output is around 8.2W.

It is powered by a 3.7/4.2v Lithium Battery and comes with 1- Samsung 40T battery and Xtar charger. It comes with a plastic battery case, a hard case for accessories and G8 lens.

If you want something custom, please let me know! I have a ton of copper stock for turning any type of heatsink you desire. And I can make you a laser from nearly any type of flashlight host you can think of! Just let me know!