Girls, Girls, Girls! of St. Petersburg: A Photo Dating Album

Girls, Girls, Girls! of St. Petersburg: A Photo Dating Album

Stepan Kvardakov

Autore: Stepan Kvardakov
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine: 159
Data Pubblicazione: 1 settembre 2018
Edizione: Multilingual edizione
Lingua: Inglese
Dimensione: 24.13 x 3.38 x 30.48 cm

Perhaps that’s the way it really is with love: you can only find it in abundance where there is a absence of money and wealth. But perhaps visitors to Russia only persuade themselves it is so. Particularly in St. Petersburg, it is clear that romance is not associated with embarrassment, and this applies to flirting as well as to making friends. And especially not to the ten days in June, the so[1]called White Nights, when the sun shines all night long. And, who knows, during your visit you might discover one of the beautiful models Stepan introduces us to in his first book of erotic photographs. The practiced eye of the male observer realizes that these girls know how to love. And they also love their city of St. Petersburg, so much so in fact, that they tenderly whisper “Piter” to it, their pet name for it. And as the lips turn upwards in a smile, as they do when saying the letter “i” in “Piter” we realize that these girls have just infected us with their love.