The cute little Cupid shoots his lover's heart with his little bow and arrow. The power of the small bow is terrible.

In the packaging design, we focused on the character itself - the rebellious Cupid, armed with greater caliber, so that no one can escape love in this crazy world. Using a bazooka instead of a bow not only reflects the rebellious nature of the brand, but also reflects the strong effect of pheromones. Cupid himself is covered in tattoos and hides his face behind a mask - despite his noble cause, Cupid doesn't want to be recognized by the government and arrested for illegally trafficking the world's most powerful drug - love!
Our product packaging design is a beautiful example of how simplicity and attention to detail can work together to create a stunning visual experience. By focusing on angelic hairstyles and using a combination of matte and varnish elements, we created a package that not only looks great, but feels great when interacting with it. This is a testament to the power of thoughtful design in enhancing our everyday lives. The design itself turns out to be very minimalistic, emphasizing the recognizable hairstyle of the cherub, which in our case is also the element that distinguishes the different styles. The matte surface of the packaging creates a pleasing contrast with some of the varnish elements in the label, and the varnish also activates tactile perception when interacting with the product.