Kodak Vintage Camera "Brownie Starfish with built in Flasholder. Uses 127 film 12 pictures per roll. Odd many newspapers would shoot 12 photos for a quick job.  You got a 3-1/3x3-1/2 negative. Kodak were very generous with film. No secret it looked little used. During one of my Photo courses we had a rep from Kodak. Explained how color film was manufactured. Also stated the shelve life for a roll was over a year. Using the guid of an average home  user.2 pictures of a birthday,2 pictures of the Christmas tree. etc.Usuall took care and time. Not like the 35mm user. Who just kept shooting.Adams with 300 lbs of equips. and maybe 6 4x5 pieces of film in a film holder would wait a wait for the right conditions.