
"Product name": original mini small Tuocha cooked tea

【 Product ingredients 】: Selected Yunnan large leaf hairy tea

[Production Process]: Wodui Fermented Tight Pressing Tuo Tea

[Net content]: about 5g/piece.

【  包    装 】:锡纸包装

【 Shelf life 】: Suitable for long-term storage under suitable storage conditions

"Storage conditions": clean, ventilated, light-proof, dry and odorless.











Yunnan Pu'er tea is a type of tea produced by Yunnan's unique large leaf tea tree. Its drinking methods are extremely rich, and it can be consumed both as a clear drink and as a mixed drink. Qingyin refers to brewing without any additives, which is more common in Han ethnic groups; Blending refers to adding your favorite ingredients to tea at will, commonly found in Hong Kong and Taiwan. For example, Hong Kong likes to add health promoting ingredients such as chrysanthemum, goji berries, and ginseng to Pu'er tea. Durable brewing is an advantage of Pu erh tea. When aged Pu erh tea is brewed in a covered bowl or purple clay pot, its flavor and color will gradually fade with increasing steeping times. Pu'er tea has unique characteristics in terms of origin, variety, quality, production process, shape, packaging, and drinking. Pu'er tea is mainly produced in the Xishuangbanna region of Yunnan Province. The area has advantages such as abundant rainfall throughout the year, diffuse clouds and mist, deep soil layers, fertile soil, and no pollution. The tea produced is pure green tea drink. The centuries old history of wild Pu erh tea trees is gradually decreasing. In order to protect the natural cultural relics left by our ancestors, the Yunnan Provincial Government is increasing efforts to protect the Pu erh tea trees from the previous year. Ancient trees with an age of 500-800 years are now prohibited from picking tea leaves. Known as a drinkable antique.


Observing tea is about observing the shape and color of the tea leaves. After brewing, the shape of tea leaves will undergo significant changes, almost restoring their original natural state, especially with high tenderness, buds and leaves blooming, standing tall and graceful in the tea water; Some have plump buds and leaves floating up and down in the tea, like a forest of flags and spears. At this moment, the tea soup will also gradually develop color with the movement of the tea, gradually moving from light to deep. Due to the different types of tea, it forms green, yellow, and red. It is very pleasing to watch the shape and color of the tea at this moment.


Tea is a mood, a silence, a sadness, and a loneliness. It can also be said to be a collection of memories, drinking tea in any season, everyone is like a piece of tea, sooner or later to integrate into this ever-changing world. In the process of integration, society does not deliberately pay attention to everyone, just as few people care about every tea leaf in the cup when drinking tea. Tea will not be helpless because it is integrated into the water and no one cares, and it still only leaves a fragrance in the world.
