品牌:澄韵 货号:222 适用场景:家用 售卖方式:包装 产品类别:滇红 原料与配料:云南大叶种茶 产品认证:否 保质期:36 原产地:云南 级别:一级 储藏方法:阴凉干燥 外包装:铁罐 是否礼盒装:是 生产日期:2022年3月 生产厂家:云南润兴茶叶有限公司 生产许可证编号:SC11453011251189 商品条形码:无 净含量(规格):250 是否进口:否

[Product Name]: Dianhong Dajinya

[Product ingredients]: Yunnan large leaf tea

[Production process]: Yunnan black tea

Net content: 250 grams

"Storage conditions": clean, ventilated, dry, free of peculiar smell and protected from direct sunlight.

[Warranty period]: It is suitable for 36 months storage under storage conditions.


Baby display



Related instructions
About Pu'er Tea

Pu'er tea is a loose and compressed tea made from Yunnan large leaf sun dried green hairy tea in a certain region of Yunnan Province, which is fermented and processed

Tea. "Pu 'er tea" can be harvested in four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring tea is harvested from February to April, and it will be harvested within 15 days after Tomb-Sweeping Day.

The spring tea harvested is the top grade, picking more than one bud and one leaf, the bud stamen is fine and white; summer tea is harvested in May-July, called rain tea, if properly made,

The quality of tea is similar to spring tea; Autumn tea is harvested from August to October and is called Guhua tea. The quality of the tea is second to that of spring and summer tea; Winter tea is rarely harvested, only tea farmers

Collect the right amount and drink it yourself.

