Matcha tea leaves, transformed into a fine, smooth powder

100% ORGANIC Matcha Suri is an entirely organic blend. At its core, Matcha Suri is just finely stone-ground Matcha tea leaves, transformed into a fine, smooth powder.

EXTENSIVE WELLNESS ADVANTAGES The usage of Matcha Suri extends to a variety of health perks: it’s not only efficient at burning fat but also purifies your system, leading to radiant skin and a lasting supply of vitality for your day.

ASSURED SAFETY Owing to its pure natural ingredients, Matcha Suri is wholly secure for consumption. To achieve the most favorable outcome, adhere to the usage guideline provided on the product’s label.

Components: Natural sweeteners (maltodextrin, fructose), taurine, xanthan gum, extract of Matcha tea, citric acid, extract of spirulina algae, essence of natural green tea, sucralose, extract of marshmallow root, extract of grapefruit seed, extract of coleus leaf.