This auction is for a pair of Widex EVOKE Premium BTE RIC (p/n E-F2 440-312)
Auction Included:
-One Left DEMO-Widex EVOKE 440-312/ Receiver wire speaker
-One Right DEMO-Widex EVOKE 440-312/ Receiver wire speaker
-1 Pack6 P312 Battery
-6 months service warranty
-Free programming available with your test results submit to us
-More questions please contact us

Disclaimer:"According to the FDA, it is in your best health interest to obtain a professional medical evaluation before purchasing a hearing aid and you are encouraged to do so before bidding on this item. If you choose not to obtain a medical evaluation before purchasing this item, I am required by law to provide to you and obtain from you a signed written waiver of the medical evaluation. I am also required to provide to you a copy of the User Instruction Brochure for a hearing aid, review the contents of that brochure with you, and allow you time to read the brochure. You must provide to me either a signed statement from a physician or a signed waiver before I will deliver this item to you. Upon your request, I will also provide to you a copy of the User Instructional Brochure for the hearing aid or the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor from whom a User Instructional Brochure for the hearing aid can be obtained." If Customs of your country requires any medical document or anything, consignee has to provide that, Sometimes shipments holds at customs which is the consignee's responsibility only


Subpart B - Requirements for Specific Medical Devices

Sec. 800.30 Over-the-counter hearing aid controls.

(a) Scope. This section specifies the requirements for over-the-counter (OTC) air-conduction hearing aids. Air-conduction hearing aids that satisfy the requirements in paragraphs (c) through (f) of this section are considered "available" over the counter as section 520(q)(1)(A)(v) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act uses the term. Air-conduction hearing aids that do not meet the definition in section 520(q) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or do not satisfy the following requirements are prescription hearing aids. Unless otherwise specified, the requirements in this section are in addition to other applicable requirements, including but not limited to special controls found in the applicable classification regulation in part 874 of this chapter.

(b) Definitions for the purposes of this section. This section uses the following definitions:

Air-conduction hearing aid. An air-conduction hearing aid is a hearing aid that conducts sound to the ear through the air.

Hearing aid. A hearing aid is any wearable device designed for, offered for the purpose of, or represented as aiding persons with or compensating for, impaired hearing.

Licensed person. A licensed person is a person as defined in section 201(e) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that holds a license or degree for the diagnosis, assessment, or treatment of hearing loss; or that holds a license to sell or distribute hearing aids. A person that must meet generally applicable licensing or operating requirements such as annual health and safety inspections, provided the generally applicable licensing or operating requirement is consistent with this section and other applicable requirements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, is not a "licensed person" solely for that reason. A person that represents as a marketer, seller, dispenser, distributor, or customer support representative (or an equivalent description) is not a "licensed person" solely by making such representations.

Over-the-counter hearing aid. An over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid is an air-conduction hearing aid that does not require implantation or other surgical intervention, and is intended for use by a person age 18 or older to compensate for perceived mild to moderate hearing impairment. The device, through tools, tests, or software, allows the user to control the hearing aid and customize it to the user's hearing needs. The device may use wireless technology or may include tests for self-assessment of hearing loss. The device is available over-the-counter, without the supervision, prescription, or other order, involvement, or intervention of a licensed person, to consumers through in-person transactions, by mail, or online, provided that the device satisfies the requirements in this section.

Prescription hearing aid. A prescription hearing aid is a hearing aid that is not an OTC hearing aid as defined in this section or a hearing aid that does not satisfy the requirements in this section.

Rebuilt hearing aid. An OTC hearing aid is "rebuilt" if the manufacturer has inspected and tested the device, made any necessary modifications to ensure it meets applicable regulatory requirements, including the requirements in this section to be available OTC, and adequately reprocessed the device for the next user.

Sale. Sale includes a lease, rental, or any other purchase or exchange for value.

Tools, tests, or software. Tools, tests, or software are components of the device that, individually or in combination, allow a lay user to control the device and customize it sufficiently, such as the device's output, to meet the user's hearing needs.

Used hearing aid. A hearing aid is "used" if a user has worn it for any period of time. However, a hearing aid shall not be "used" merely because a prospective user wore it as part of a bona fide hearing aid evaluation to determine whether to select that particular hearing aid for that prospective user. A hearing aid evaluation is "bona fide" if it was conducted in the presence of the dispenser or a hearing health professional selected by the dispenser to assist the prospective user in making a determination.

[87 FR 50748, Aug. 17, 2022]