Product Name:    White Tea      
Tea Origin:    Fuji   an, China  
Store Conditions     Cool and ventilated place, avoid direct sunlight.      
Tea leaves (Dried):    It is fat bud and it has white hair.      
Aroma:       T   he fragrance is pekoe flavour.      
Infusio   n:    The soup is yellow,    green and clear, and the taste is light and sweet.      

White tea       is harvested before the tea plant’       s leaves open fu   lly, when the young buds are still covered by fine white hairs, h       ence the name “white” tea. These buds and unfurled leaves from the newest growth on the tea plant are handpicked and then quickly and meticulously dried. This minimal processing and low oxidation results in some of the most delicate and freshest tea available.