Item description:

Vetom 2.26 dietary supplement 10 ml

Vetom 2.26 is Vetom 1.1 and Vetom 4 in liquid form.

The beneficial effects of the product are ensured by the properties of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria, which, when multiplying in the intestine, secrete biologically active substances that inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora. As a result of this process, the microbial composition of the intestine adapts to the composition corresponding to the norm formed in the process of evolution. The intestinal walls are cleansed of undigested food remains, which promotes the active excretion of toxins from the body and the uninterrupted supply of biologically active and nutritional substances.

Vetom 2.26 has an impact on normalizing the acidity of the gastrointestinal environment, digestion, absorption and metabolism of iron, calcium, proteins, carbohydrates, triglycerides, amino acids, dipeptides, sugars, and bile salts.

Vetom 2.26 is not addictive.

There are no age restrictions.

The product can be combined with any meal or medications.

The industrial strain of microorganisms constituting the active substance of the product is resistant to gastric juice, bile and ethyl alcohol.

Composition: corn extract fermented with Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-10641 (DSM 24613) and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens VKPM B-10643 (DSM 24615) bacteria and filler.

Product form: light yellow to dark brown liquid with a specific odor. Possible presence of insoluble precipitate. Produced in polymer bottles. Each bottle along with the user manual is packed in a cardboard box.

Application: recommended as an additional source of probiotic microorganisms to regenerate the body. How to use and dosage: use orally. The frequency of use of Vetom 2.26 directly depends on the condition of the body. Healthy people are recommended to use no less than 4-6 drops a day for 10 days. In disease states, increase the frequency of use to 10 or more drops a day for 10 days.

Use the product at regular intervals.

Contraindications: individual hypersensitivity to the product ingredients.

Storage conditions: store at 0-10°C. Transport and temporary storage at temperatures from 10 to 30°C are allowed for a total of 18 days. After opening, store the bottle at a temperature of 0 to 10°C. Validity period – 2 years from the production date.

Producer: OOO NPF "Issledowatielskij Centr" Russia

Expiration date: 08/2025

Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Maintaining proper health requires a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
