Featuring the fastest non-unicorn lenses from the Canon FD lineup in their latest versions, every lens in this set was handpicked to match. Canon nFD 17mm f4 Canon nFD 20mm f2.8 Canon nFD 24mm f2 Canon nFD 28mm f2 Canon nFD 35mm f2 (light haze) Canon nFD 50mm f1.2 Canon nFD 85mm f1.8 (light haze) Canon nFD 100mm f2 Canon nFD 135mm f2 Canon nFD 200mm f2.8 All in a Duclos Pelican im2700 made for 8 lenses but fitting the 10 like a glove. They were converted by Ron at Simmod (back when they offered conversions and not just DIY solutions). If you know FDs, you understand these are some of the most difficult to convert, the mounts are more expensive, and they need recalibration after conversion. This isn’t your average DIY conversion, but it is still an incredibly well-priced set, likely below the cost to collect, sort, and convert a similar set on your own.

(In fact, if you look at the most recent valuations for individual lenses, and consider the $300+ cost per lens for mods alone (if you were to do it yourself, because Simmod doesn't do it anymore) you'll see what a deal this is: https://www.vintagelensesforvideo.com/canon-fd-price-list/)
While crown jewels like the Canon FD 24/1.4 or 85/1.2 Asphericals are not part of this set, this set includes the next fastest options across the lineup, including the 100mm and 135mm f2 which are jewels of their own. The perfect choice for lightweight setups if you want both vintage goodness and consistency across the range.

They have clean glass free of scratches or fungus, but a couple focal lengths have minor haze, and dust consistent with their 40+ year age. Please check the comprehensive photos here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-pNTsRK4pLfPrRHyO7LOcg_pnaA8GwfN?usp=drive_link