Wilson Euphonium TA2900BS


There are some stripped solder marks left from when the bell post was removed and repaired, but it didn't interfere with playing.
I think it is clean for having been used for many years.
There is also a ding on the 3rd pipe and a ding on the bell above the mouthpipe that is about the size of a smile dent. The plating is not peeling on the body.

Both the piston and the extraction pipe move smoothly without sticking. The piston spring has been replaced with a DAC high speed spring and the bottom cap with a Buzz spring. The density of the high tone has become denser compared to the stock. Please note that neither of the stock ones are included in the kit.

Sound output is fine. The A is low, as is characteristic of Wilson.

The original instrument storage bag was a flimsy piece of cloth, so we are disposing of it. Instead, the original DAC protection is attached as it is. It is double quilted and thick with soft cloth inside to protect the instrument. I like it very much and use it for my B&S tuba.

The only items that come with it are the warranty card, keys, and water pot wear and tear.

There may be some scratches and other defects. Please judge by the pictures.

Please repair or maintain by yourself.