ROMAN IMPERIAL, Flavius Valerius Severus commonly known as Severus II, (306-307 AD) Antioch AE Follis. Obv: The obverse side of the coin features the laureate bust of Emperor Severus II facing right. The inscription reads "IMP C FL VAL SEVERVS PF AVG," which stands for "Imperator Caesar Flavius Valerius Severus Pius Felix Augustus." Rev: On the reverse side, there is an image of Genius, the protective spirit or guardian deity of the Roman people, standing left. Genius is depicted wearing a modius, a cylindrical headdress symbolizing abundance, on his head. He is draped with a chlamys over his left shoulder, and he holds a patera (a shallow bowl used for libations) in his right hand and a cornucopia (horn of plenty) in his left. The inscription "GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI" surrounds the figure, which translates to "To the Genius of the Roman People." The mintmark "ANT" indicates that the coin was minted in Antioch.

Diameter: 27 mm  

Weight: 10.66 grams

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