Please provide a username to receive your purchase as fast as possible in the buyer notes or via message.

Deliveries ranges from minutes to 72 hours.

Please make sure to have space in your jamagrams and they are unlocked. 

There are two ways to receive the item you purchase.
  • Jamagrams; I will send a Jamagram with an attached gift of your purchase.

  • Trading, I will simply meet up and trade you your items.

Questions? To contact below for faster communication and to stay in touch for future questions / deals.
For faster service **Typically**

Discord - ajsellsmoths

Disclaimer: All items in this listing are the sole digital property of WildWorks, which i am not affiliated with. By purchasing this listing you are simply paying us for the time spent in game farming digital items for you, acquiring rares, and lastly, for the time required to deliver the items to the buyers.