This simple, yet complex video synth has been created to use with TWO video input sources to enable various distortions, scrambling, mixing, fading and other effects. A number of differing effects can be achieved depending on what you connect to this device. You can connect VCRs, DVD players or Camcorders and combine the visuals from each. Your output should be connected to a standard old school (CRT) TV, as a lot of newer digital viewing monitors (including projectors) will display a no image warning.

***Please note this is NOT compatible with MOST common, low cost HDMI converters (used with Laptops)-it will not pass the video signal. Please see the Circuit Bent Vizual Noize Enhancer I sell for a compatible Circuit Bent video device that will work with most all commonly available HDMI converters.***

This device is completely passive with no power required. Please see video for a quick example of some of the visuals that can be achieved with two video input sources.

Originally bought from Statikstraments' Etsy store. Product description here:

Video demonstration here: