Epic 40k Space Marine Army. OOP and many rare models all here in this auction.  You get the following. 2 Space marine Command stands(the 2 stands with the big banners) 2 Librarian stands , 5 Tactical stands , 5 Devastator stands, 4 Scout marine stands, 4 terminator stands, 4 assault marine stands, 4 dreadnoughts (weapons not glued on) , 12 rhinos, 6  Land Raiders, 6 whirlwinds, 6 Vindicators, 4 Predators and 2 Razorbacks and 1 unopened pack of Marine assault bikes. Was going to be my main army but I need space now so these get a new home. Rhinos, Land raiders and Whirlwinds are plastic, all other vehicles are metal. I have not glued most of the little marine miniatures to the stands and will not do so. Be sure to keep the main picture if you need to see how to assemble them as I will ship in sealed bags and the not glued in one will probably come out of the bases.FYI. See the many photos for details of what you are getting.  Can be used in Titanicus ?