Rhodope Mountain Bulgarian RED OREGANO Dried Crushed Flowers & Stems

 by TheMostPrecious - 30g (1oz)

Description of oregano herb

A perennial herb with an oblique, usually creeping branched rhizome. Stems erect, 30-60 (90) cm high, four-edged, branched. Leaves opposite on short petioles, oblong or oblong-ovate, green above, pale green below. The flowers are unisexual and bisexual in the axils of large overlapping dark purple bracts, collected in oblong spikes, forming panicles on the tips of the branches. Corolla bilobed, purple-pink to light purple, less often white. The fruit is dry, breaking into 4 nutlets. Blooms June-August (September).

Propagation of oregano herb

It grows in thickets, sparse forests and forest glades. Widespread throughout the country, from the plains up to 2000 m above sea level. Oregano grows best in neutral and alkaline soil with a PH between 6 and 8. It is undemanding in terms of regular watering. The herb is found throughout Europe. Harvesting takes place from June to August. Oregano grows both in the wild and indoors in a pot. Besides its irreplaceable medicinal properties, oregano is also widely used in cooking, where it very well flavors meat, rice and fish.

Herb of oregano (rigan)

Top stem parts collected during flowering, dried at ordinary temperature (Herba Origani). The herb has a pleasant smell, slightly bitter and astringent taste.

Content of oregano herb

Half to 1% essential oil, tannins, bitter substances, sitosterols, vitamins A, B, C, K and E, mineral salts, etc. The essential oil of the herb consists of a significant amount of thymol, less carvacrol, p-cymol, myrcene, ocimene, etc.

Bulgarian oregano oil mainly contains carvacrol, caryophyllene, alpha-pinene, borneol, etc. Our drug contains a minimal amount of oil — 0.15%.

Main action of oregano herb

Benefits of oregano tea - expectorant, digestive stimulant. Relieves spasms in stomach and intestinal pains and flatulence. The herb also has a sedative effect. The medicinal properties and benefits of oregano have been known since ancient times, when the Greeks called it "joy of the mountain". The oregano plant is also present in a number of ritual activities - if it grows on a grave, it means that the person buried in it has found peace and is happy in the afterlife. It was also used in marriage between a man and a woman.

Experimental and clinical data on oregano:

The main active ingredient - the essential oil, containing nine monoterpene carbohydrates, two monoterpene alcohols, six sesquiterpene carbohydrates, etc., enhances the secretion of the digestive and bronchial glands, acts to stimulate peristalsis and the tone of the intestines; an anthelmintic effect of the herb, as well as a diuretic effect, have been established. Aqueous extracts from the aerial part of oregano in vitro exert virostatic action (May, G., G. Willuhn, Arzneimitt.-Forsch., 1978).

Sedative, expectorant and choleretic action is used in folk medicine - a good healing effect has been observed in colic, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute and chronic bronchitis, dysmenorrhea, liver diseases, nervous agitation, etc. (Stoyanov, N. Our medicinal plants, part 2. S., Science and art, 1973).

According to Turova (Turova, A. D. Medicinal plants of the USSR and their use, 2nd ed. M., Medicine, 1974), the herb is used for hyzoacidic gastritis, intestinal atony, constipation, insomnia; as an expectorant for bronchitis and bronchiectasis; to stimulate the appetite; external - for bathrooms.

Multiple health benefits of oregano:

Oregano is used for respiratory diseases: bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

The herb has a soothing, hemostatic, expectorant, diuretic effect. Oregano stimulates the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, the secretion of bile, tones the smooth muscles of the uterus.

The plant has a local analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Oregano tea is used for neuroses, insomnia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, during menopause.

Oregano tea is recommended for chronic gastritis, constipation, stomach cramps, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Preparations with oregano are prescribed for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, for menstrual irregularities. Externally, the plant is used in the treatment of mastitis, furunculosis.

Oregano tea is a powerful antioxidant that successfully fights free radicals in the body and is therefore very useful as a complementary therapy for cancer and cardiovascular problems. Oregano is successfully used in the fight against skin aging.

The antibacterial effect of oregano makes it a good helper in the fight against fungal and bacterial infections, even with stubborn and insidious bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria often cause serious urinary and respiratory tract infections and in many cases are resistant to mainstream antibiotic preparations.

Method of application of the oregano herb. How is oregano tea made?

Three to four teaspoons of finely chopped drug is poured with one cup of boiling water. After cooling, the oregano tea is strained and drunk for a day. The plant is also used as a tonic drink in the form of tea - it is prepared by boiling one teaspoon of the drug with 200 ml of water for 5 minutes.

The oil (50% or greater dilution) can be applied topically, twice daily to areas affected by ringworm or other fungal infections. The affected area should be covered with oil with each treatment. The safety of the oil for internal use has not been well studied and should therefore be used with caution and after consultation with a professional. Externally - boil 100 g of the herb with 2 liters of water for 10 minutes. Strain and add to the bath water.

Oregano is also very effective for sinusitis, as well as respiratory problems. To help ourselves, we should do inhalations with a few drops of oregano oil dissolved in about 2 liters of boiling water. We place a terry towel over the head so that it falls freely around the face and bend over the boiling water. The goal is to inhale the vapor that comes out of the water. Beware of the risk of burning. For even greater effectiveness, we can add a few drops of sumac and one drop of iodine.

Another area where oregano can help us no worse than some medications is rheumatism and arthritis. The herb has an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and warming effect. Mix about 5-10 drops of oregano oil with any carrier oil and add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil. This combination easily penetrates deep into the skin and acts directly on the inflammation.

The combination of oregano oil and pure mountain honey has a powerful effect on respiratory tract infections caused by both viruses and bacteria. It only takes 5 days of taking this mixture and the condition of the body improves significantly.

Products using the herb oregano

Oregano in cosmetics. What is oregano used for in cosmetics?

Regular washing with oregano infusion has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face, refreshes, rejuvenates and makes it fresher. This procedure prevents the appearance of acne on the skin of the face. Oregano is used for cosmetic care of mixed and oily skin prone to increased sebum secretion.

Dry or fresh oregano leaves soaked in boiling water are used as absorbent compresses applied to skin infiltrates.

The healing properties of oregano have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair. Therefore, in the form of a cosmetic hair product, this herb is often used to achieve beauty, restore, strengthen and improve hair growth. Most often, oregano is used in the form of a hair rinse.

Oregano in medicine, oregano medicinal properties

The herb oregano is often included in the composition of many herbal preparations, homeopathic medicines, food supplements and is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of tablets, sachets for brewing, syrup.

Drinking medicinal solutions of oregano helps with suffocation, helps to increase the secretion of bile.

Due to the diuretic effect of oregano, this plant is used as a phytotherapeutic agent for diseases of the bladder and kidneys. The accelerated withdrawal of fluids from the body, provoked by the use of oregano-based medicines, helps to cleanse the kidneys of infections, and this is one of the most important benefits of oregano tea.

As part of urological collections, oregano tea has irreplaceable benefits and is used in the formation of kidney stones and inflammation of the urinary organs.

Herbal preparations with oregano help with pancreatitis with reduced pancreatic secretion and are used to treat an acute infectious disease of whooping cough, accompanied by coughing attacks and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. In these cases, the benefits of oregano tea are indispensable.

Oil of oregano:  It has a strong, characteristic aroma. It has a toning and refreshing effect. Oregano essential oil is among nature's most effective antimicrobial agents. According to research, it suppresses the growth of 25 different types of bacteria, including animal, plant pathogens and bacteria associated with food poisoning and food spoilage.

Contraindications of oregano herb: Preparations with oregano are contraindicated in pregnancy.
