POPULAR CLASSICS Magazine, September 1991 issue, 110 pages, main features include :-

AUSTIN A40 FARINA - 5 page buyers guide, what to look for, model history/development, owners views, etc ,

RILEY RM & PATHFINDER - 5 page article looking at these 2 cars and asks Was the PATHFINDER worse than the RM series

TRIUMPH GT6 - 4 page article describing a readers restoration of a 1973 Mark 3 car that has been upgraded with a 2.5 litre engine

JOWETT JUPITER - 4 page article describing a readers restoration  of a 1951 car in Pennsylvania  USA

AUSTIN 1800 - 6 page article looking at this series of cars, the 1800, 2200 & WOLSELEY SIX and asks was it unfair to nickname it the LANDCRAB

LOTUS CORTINA MK2 v HILLMAN AVENGER TIGER v VAUXHALL VIVA HB GT - 6 page article comparing and testing these 3 sporting saloon cars against each other

Other features include article on understanding welding, article looking at 4 generations of FORD ZODIAC / ZEPHYR, continuation of project rebuilds of MGB and VW BEETLE , plus all other usual features.