Write That Down for Me Daddy, Signed, Henry Wayne Addison, Illustrated by Kathy A Schendle

Autographed by Henry Wayne Addison. See pictures

Sayings, short stories and poems that are inspirational, compassionate, homespun and down to earth … to be enjoyed by all ages.”

St. Augustine Record In this far-ranging collection of aphorisms, adages, and verse, well- known humorist Harry Addison comments on a wide variety of topics from the lessons and joys of a rural upbringing to the foolishness and foibles of politicians.

A popular after-dinner speaker throughout Louisiana and Arkansas, Harry Wayne Addison was a real-estate officer for the city of Monroe, Louisiana, and was the owner of his own realty firm. He was also the author of RFD #3 (pb) and Mama Was a Con Man, Papa Was a Christian (pb [F]), both published by Pelican