Ab Roller Wheel Automatic Rebound with Four Elbow Supports for Men and Women, Rebound Abdominal Wheel with Timer & Knee Mat,Abdominal Exercise Roller Wheel for Core Trainer Workout Home Gym

Ab roller with 4 elbow supports is suitable for beginners, professionals, women, men, and the elderly. When you purchase Ab roller with elbow support you get a knee pad, elbow support, non-slip and noise-reducing wider wheels, and a steel body. Ab roller wheel is a great exercise tool that helps strengthen your abdominal muscles, improve core stability, enhance balance, and increase flexibility.

Build the strong core you desire by using the ab roller wheel automatic rebound with elbow support . Every repetition of the exercise adjusts and strengthens your abdominal muscles, shoulders, arms, and back. It even makes the muscles in the lower abs that are hard to reach healthier without the need for hundreds of sit-ups or planks.

This is probably the best ab roller I have ever sold. It has four armrest for complete and total support of your upper body while working your core timer and visual docking station for a cellular device so you could listen to music watch shows and videos while you work out if that's what keeps you motivated. A handy dandy included knee pad is provided with your device to add comfort to your knees while you work out. The classic AB rollers put a lot of strain on your wrist. Say goodbye to that strain and get yours today. Your body will thank you later.