
All Buy-It-Now's are competitively priced, some have a best offer option, some don't, some have been identified, some haven't, it all really depends on how difficult it is to find the information for whichever sale i am doing at that time, As for best offers, if it is a reasonable fair offer i probably will accept your 1st offer.

                         Auctions start-up prices based on the quality not the quantity.

                                     MH & Used.............................£2.00  Start - Up
                                     Mint Not Hinged....................£2.50 + Start - Up

I have recently had to revise my auction start-up prices, this is basically because of the single sale buyers outnumber multiple sales buyers at a rate of 100-1,  so i have had to raise the start-up price from £1.00 to £2.00 ( i didn't earn anything at all from a single sale priced lower than £1.50, this sites costs and the post offices is all you paid ), i realise that me upping the start-up might mean i won't get any bidders but you know what, i'm getting nothing now, so what's the difference.

From now on, it has to be a £2.00 start-up for all of my future auction based sales, as for all of the other £1.00 start-up sales on here which remain, i will leave on as is with no changes. they will eventually phase out.

Thanks for your time.
