Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious issue that silently damages a person’s internal organs. It basically refers to the pressure or force of the blood against the artery walls which is high enough that eventually causes problems to the normal functioning of the heart, kidneys, brain, eyes and the walls of arteries themselves.

It is also considered as a silent attacker since a person doesn’t develop any symptoms even if the pressure readings reach dangerously high levels.

Individuals only can notice the symptoms after when they are diagnosed with some severely damaged organs that could be life-threatening.

The most common causes that lead to high blood pressure are obesity, too much salt intake, lack of exercise, family history, stress, age factor (more than 45 for men and 65 for women), using tobacco, alcoholism, too low potassium and Vitamin D content in diet, diseases like kidney disease, etc.


Ayurvedic Stresx capsules to control hypertension make the best high blood pressure herbal remedy. These capsules contain a blend of special ingredients taken out from the plants that are in their unrefined form.

This ensures that one is never going to face any sort of harmful impact, no matter how long he or she consumes these ayurvedic capsules to control hypertension or high blood pressure.

Though this is a chronic disease and a person might get rid of it completely which is certainly not a sure thing but Stresx capsules are a huge success in balancing the blood pressure to its normal readings.

These never generate any withdrawal effects as well and a person is free to stop the course whenever he or she wishes to after they get the idea that their health is great after a considerable period of time.


Do ayurvedic Stresx capsules to control hypertension cause any side effects?

Stresx capsules are absolutely safe to consume and never generate any side effects all due to the presence of herbal ingredients.

How long do I need to take these capsules to control high blood pressure?

We suggest you taking these capsules to control high blood pressure for at least 3 or 4 months and we bet you will definitely see significant changes within.

After that it depends on you that you want to continue it or not; also everyone’s body responds differently and it is you who determines till when you feel like recovered.

Else, you may opt for taking these for the rest of your life which is certainly not mandatory. You will never experience any withdrawal effects as well if you decide to stop the course.

How to consume ayurvedic Stresx capsules to control hypertension?

Take 1 or 2 ayurvedic Stresx capsules with water 2 times daily to control hypertension effectively.

What is the preferred diet to control high blood pressure?

If you suffer from high blood pressure and eagerly want to control it then you will require following a strict routine that involves avoiding salt in your diet and all the tinned or canned or junk foods since these always contain some amount of salt.

Always prefer home-cooked foods and have fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Also, include drinking plenty of water a day.





Ayurved Research Foundation


Blister Pack


Arjuna Myrobalan (Arjun), Convolvulus Pluricaulis (Shankhpushpi), Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi), Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha), Onosma Bracteatum (Ganjwan), Mangifera Indica (Aam), Asphaltum Punjabinum (Shudh Shilajit), Rauvolfia Serpentina (Chotachand), Celastrus Paniculatus (Jyotishmati), Acorus Calamus (Vacha), Asparagus Adscendens (Safed Musli), Saffron (Kesar), Delphinium Denudatum (Jadwar), Michelia Champaca (Champa), Cinnamomum Cassia (Tuj), Lactuca Serriola (Kahu), Elettaria Cardamomum (Elayachi Choti), Gul Chandni (Gul Chandni), Hyoscyamus Niger (Ajwain Khurasani), Pinctada Margaritifera (Moti Bhasma)