The Northern Pacific-Main Street of the Northwest-A Pictorial History by Charles R. Wood---A First Printing---Definitely used and the book itself is in great condition, HOWEVER, the Dust Jacket is showing a lot of wear. (See pictures)

*****They broke ground at Thompson Junction, Minn., on Feb. 15, 1870, and from then until the last spike was driven in Seattle, the story of the NP is a 2000-mile classic of drive, danger and damn-the-highwater. Author Wood belongs to that breed of railroad enthusiasts who will not let the pioneer days pass away.....and in this vital pictorial history, carefully researched, he takes the railfan back to where the action was, in studied phrase, rare photographs and past-century printings  of  early maps, travel bills and time-tables.

***Lewis and Clark found the route west and the Northern Pacific followed it with steel and stamina....crossing the Missouri Valley, Yellowstone, continental Divide----first of the Northwest Continentals to the Pacific Coast. Author Wood creates a fascinating show of motives and motive power in the building of a great railroad.
***Northern Pacific is authentic Americana, and a valued aid in preserving the past glory of the railroads.