Full Title: Giro Artistico del Teatro Alla Scala in Germania: Cronache - Echi - Critiche 

Author: Aldo Montagni

Date: 1937, published by Rizzoli, Milano

Description: A comprehensive and lavishly illustrated 72-page review of the Teatro all Scala tour of Germany in June 1937, including performances in Munich and Berlin, receptions and parties, profiles of the stars and musicians, interaction with the Nazi leadership, and critical responses and press coverage. Includes annotations on pages 17 & 64 by Naomi Jacob with her eye-witness observations of the interaction between Hitler and opera soprano Gina Cigna. The book is a souvenir of her research tour for the book "Opera in Italy", eventually published by Hutchison in 1958.

Provenance: A collection of Naomi Jacob's secretary's papers.

Condition: Very good the cover has a feint red mark above the photograph and a little wear at the edges, including a small, repaired tear at the lower edge of the rear cover; there is some toning towards the top edge of the rear cover (see photographs). Internally the pages are unmarked except for the annotation by Naomi Jacob on page 17 and a corresponding 'X' mark next to the relevant paragraph on page 62 which refers to the incident. 24 x 31 cm.