I don't know much about what I have. I believe they were used for news paper or catalog, maybe magazine advertising ? Not all, but some have 1949 and some have 1950 on them. All the ones marked are 1949 and 1950. The envelopes have  GENERAL SUSPLUS SALE  303 W. FEDERAL ST. YOUNGSTOWN 3, OHIO.
 There are all types of hand tools, including axes, old wood planes, chisels etc. There are all kinds of camping and fishing gear, knives, hardware etc. Also table top electric tools and other electric stuff like old fans. There are some cloths and bedding. There are the prices  ones and there are three U S Military Surplus and just a lot of them. The one small bag has a couple of the blocks or plastic pieces and some empty envelopes. All the rest have the blocks in them. There are 300 maybe 400 or more. I didn't count.
 I picked them up at an estate sale and I thought someone would want them.
 Thanks for looking and if you have any questions, just message me.