Retro Shack CD-i Cinema proudly presents our NEW interactive movie for Philips CD-I!

"Pirates!" was conceived after a challenge from Alan of the "World of CD-i" online magazine to indeed create an all new FMV game.

You portray the swarthy Cap'n Cat along with his seemingly indestructible sidekick "Parker" on a search for the "holy grail" of Pirate treasure in the modern day.

Your 31ft yacht has outrageous armaments, and as it turns out.. she needs them!

In your package you will also receive a Pirate Dice. Not EVERY part of your voyage will be of your own volition.

Every pirate has to chance it now and then.

You will also get a notepad to keep a ships log of your every move.

That way, and if you choose to do it that way.. After a wrong move that sinks you, you can go back and make the RIGHT move.

Of course you may prefer not to do that.

Put it like this, in modern video games if you "die", you continue from that point. The last save.

Many may well decide to utilise the ship's log simply to track and record maneuvers.

If and when something goes wrong you can mark that moment, and next time get it right.

Much as how a real life ship's log works in many ways..!

There are several satisfactory outcomes in the game, but only ONE big win.

Fortune favours the Brave! 🏴‍☠️

Important: the VCD in your pirate pack is burned at 4X.

Tested to run perfectly on a Philips CD-I 470.

It may NOT run well on earlier machines. Older lasers do not read as well. Of course. (The only CD-i I have discovered may struggle is the 210. Although for one of my testers during creation of the game it DID run on his. Could even be that the laser needs a clean on mine, however I felt it appropriate to add this information here.)

If you purchase this adventure and it does not run on your machine we can/will send you a download link to the ISO file so you can burn your own disc.

Bare that in mind because there are NO returns.

There are several satisfactory outcomes in the game, but only ONE big win.

Fair winds to those who dare. 🏴‍☠️

Oh yes! Johnny Depp himself turns up now and then as your host!

As both Cap'n Cat and Captain Quint (From Jaws) might say..

"Here's to swimmin with bow legged women!"

Arrrrrrrrrr. 😜🏴‍☠️

Let the journey begin...

Additional: There is only one required instruction: Always return to the chapter screen in order to make your next choice.

The game is also compatible with ALL vintage consoles/computers capable of playing VCD. (With video cartridge installed of course.)

This includes: 3DO, CD32, PSX, Saturn, Dreamcast & Windows Media Player (provided you have MPEG-1 compatibility.)

Same restrictions apply as above mentioned for CD-i. You need to have a decent laser in your machine to read well.

Teaser video here:

And some stills from that in the images above.

PS2 onwards compatibility will be available soon on our DVD version.

Retro Shack 2024

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