Roman Imperial, Elagabalus. A.D. 218-222. AR denarius Rome, A.D. 220. Obv:  IMP (  Imperator) ANTONINVS ( Refers to his adopted name, linking him to the Antonine dynasty.) PIVS (Meaning pious, a title used by Roman emperors to denote their piety) AVG ( Augustus, a title indicating his status as emperor) lauteate head right. Rev:  P M (Pontifex Maximus, indicating his role as chief priest)

TR P III (Tribunicia Potestas for the third time, referring to his power as tribune)

COS III (Consul for the third time, indicating his holding of the consulship office)

P P  (Pater Patriae, meaning father of the country, a title of respect and authority).

Sol (the Roman sun god) advancing left, holding whip and raising right hand, star in left field. RIC 28. This coin highlights both Elagabalus's authority and his religious devotion to Sol Invictus. Ex Dereham Hoard. 

Diameter: 18 mm

Weight: 3.27 gr

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