Produced in Wales, this film took the Welch people and the UK in general by storm, and the movie had the same impact there as The Great Train Robbery had in the U.S.  Charles Peace was a real person and was one of Britain’s most notorious criminals. This film reconstructs his life and includes scenes of violent action, fights and chases and even reconstructs Peace’s real-life leap from a train which was taking him to court to stand trial for murder. This print was sold to me by Film Preservation Associates in 1995. This company was run by film archivist David Shepard who had bought the Blackhawk collection and continued to sell to the public most of their titles. Print quality is very good, and the film is free from scratches and splices and is in great physical shape with no VS. This silent print is complete and is a full 400’ and plays best at 18 FPS.

There is one funny scene where Peace is disguised as a parson and gives the police false leads as to what direction the criminal they are chasing (meaning him), ran to, all the while trying to give them religious pamphlets in which they are not interested in.  After they continue their chase in the wrong direction, Peace thumbs his nose at them!

The main reissue title on this print lists the year made as 1903, but most sources list it as 1905.