Damagrip - Canvas Knife Handle Material - 99 Different Options - Select Below

Damagrip knife handle material is a composite laminate sheet that features thick cloth and canvas layers in high grade commercial resin. Damagrip handle sheets are produced in the USA and are available for sale at KnifeKits.com. 

This canvas-based handle material works and feels similar to Micarta, but comes in a broad range of solid color and 3D color-layered varieties. Both styles are ideal for high-performance knife and gun handle applications. The Damagrip 3D layered material that we feature is designed for maximum color contrast when mill-textured or radiused.

The natural texture of this handle material works great for a daily carry knife or gun. It feels good to the touch, and grips well when dry or wet.  And with its striking looks, can offer a unique and durable handle option for any custom knife, kit knife or knife handle replacement project.

Damagrip handle material features excellent rigidity and strength. The 3D layered canvas design offers contrast and customization potential like few other knife and gun grip materials on the market.

For a great option on any future knife or gun handle customization, consider using Damagrip handle sheet or scales. With over 99 different size and color options, this material offers an array of artistic choices for knife and gun handle makers.

Size Variation Option = (Length x Width x Height) 

Sheet Sizes: Select Above
Color: Multiple Options Available - (Select Above)
Material: Damagrip
USA Shipped

For more knife making kits, knife making supplies, and sheath making supplies, see "https://www.ebay.com/usr/ckkindustries"