Pietersite Sterling Silver Point Pendant
The Pendants can vary in size due to the stone cut average size 20 -25mm
Pietersite, also known as the Tempest Stone, is a high vibration stone that is used by many healers in their energy work. It works to activate and balance the Third-Eye and Solar-Plexus Chakras, and is known as the stone that holds "the keys to heaven". This chatoyant stone is very popular with healers for its ability to stimulate the Pineal gland, thus enhancing one's intuition and insight. When working with Pietersite for these purposes, one will find that its ability to increase one's will can help to facilitate progress with specific spiritual goals.

Be aware that power and strength are amplified with Pietersite, and can come with a release of any emotions that have been previously repressed. These characteristics beg one to be somewhat prepared when working with the energies of Pietersite. This quality can be quite helpful to those working with deeply buried, past life issues that are creating conflicts in the present.

Pietersite can protect one from bad weather conditions, especially while driving. At home, it will calm nervous pets (and their owners) who are afraid of thunderstorms. Creative types will find more self-confidence in themselves and their abilities when wearing or carrying Pietersite for any length of time. Pietersite can help one to find creative solutions to problems.

Meditating with Pietersite can facilitate a deep meditative state, even to the point of trances and out of body experiences, depending on the individual’s desires and experience. The energies of this of stone can clear blockages and bring light into the subtle bodies, allowing for greater progress in one's spiritual life.