Note: EBAY requires that it be shown these are shipped Priority Mail Express for some reason, but it will be shipped Priority Mail in a breather bag instead. Overnight is not necessary. Expect delivery in 2-3 working days after shipment.

Note: If you are on the West Coast, Hawaii or Alaska, you are required to order a minimum of a quantity of 2, due to high shipping costs to your area. The order will be cancelled otherwise.

Note: If daytime temperatures will be above 87 degrees or below 50 degrees during your probable delivery period do not order. I will be checking weather conditions in your area and will cancel the order if these conditions are not met.

6+ Live Gambusia Mosquito Fish freshwater from SW Florida. Volume discounts available if I have enough in stock. Wild caught and kept in my aquariums. Males and females included. These livebearers reproduce easily and will keep your patio pond stocked and will prey on mosquito larvae. No need to feed them if there are some plants in the water and insects have access. They can tolerate water temperatures well into the high 80's, and low 50's. They can tolerate near freezing water temperatures for short periods of time if there is adequate depth.

Do not float bag. Gently pour contents of the bag into small container and slowly add aquarium or pond water for an hour or so. Then add to your aquarium or pond. If there is a problem with your order upon receipt, immediately take a clear picture before you open the bag and send it to me describing the issue. Failure to do so within 3 hours of receiving your order and a refund will not be considered.
I will work with customers who are polite, honest, and follow directions. If you don't do all 3, you will be blocked from ever ordering from me again.