Hylix lotion is a highly effective herbal hair fall and dandruff control oil which successfully rectifies the problem naturally in no time. A human scalp sheds 50 to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis which is quite normal. It redevelops and fulfills the gap again in almost the same number.

If a person faces hair fall more than average quantity and is not able to re-grow it in many numbers then the ratio is affected and hence he or she has to undergo baldness which hampers their looks.

Hair loss is directly linked with dandruff. Dandruff is the dead skin that is produced more than the average quantity.

Dead skin cells are generated on a daily basis but if this exceeds the normal range it accelerates the process of hair fall. It also creates embarrassment.


Hylix lotion is suitable in both cases. This ayurvedic hair fall and dandruff control oil contain herbal ingredients that are renowned for their efficient working since the ancient era.

This product strengthens the hair from its roots and provides a firm grip. It is also a useful dandruff remedy which is much better than any other treatment.

There are many shampoos in the market that are claimed to eradicate the problem of hair fall and dandruff but are effective only when used regularly.

If a person stops using it the problems occur again, which is not the case with Hylix lotion. Though this herbal hair fall and dandruff control oil takes time about a few weeks to start showing the results once an individual stops noticing the symptoms he or she is assured of never experiencing that again for the long term.


Does Hylix lotion cause any side effects?

Hylix lotion is made up of all-natural ingredients that do not tend to generate side effects, even after prolonged use.

How long do I need to use this ayurvedic hair fall and dandruff control oil?

It usually takes about three-four months to notice significant changes within. This is a varying duration and you might take less than 3 months or more than 4 months as well.

How to use this herbal hair fall and dandruff control oil?

Shake the bottle well before using this herbal hair fall and dandruff control oil. Now take a small amount of it and massage your scalp gently for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Leave this overnight and wash your hair with a mild shampoo the next morning. It is preferable to be used during the night.

What is the preferred diet while using this hair fall and dandruff control oil?

You do not need any special diet while following the course of this hair fall and dandruff control oil, but it is best to avoid unhealthy foods and habits as much as possible.





Ayurved Research Foundation


Plastic Bottle Pack


100 ml per bottle


Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica), Shikakai (Acacia Concinna), Azadirachta Indica (Neem), Bhringraj (Wedelia Calendulacea), Henna or Mehndi (Lawsonia Inermis), Kalonji (Nigella sativa)