JCM 199: 1950 Blue Batter Over Baseball Back considered an R4 in rareness (only 4-9 are said to exist) a few have come out recently so this should be R3 (11 to 99) but still very uncommon and in awesome shape. The Guidebook puts the uncut sheet price at $550.. This will be much cheaper. It is getting harder and harder to source quality Menkos especially Starffin
Players include
Noboru Aota (HOF)
Atsushi Aramaki (HOF) rookie card
Fumio Fujimura (HOF)
Tetsuharu Kawakami (HOF)
Makoto Kozuru (HOF)
Michio Nishizawa . (HOF)
Victor Starffin (HOF)
Shissho Takesue
Overall it is NM
The Japanese Baseball Card Guidebook lists the uncut sheet at $550... Yeah, you are getting a bargain!