Due to the large increase in postal charges, buying stamps (especially internationally) has become quite expensive. When a buyer wants a single stamp, the postage cost is often greater than the stamp price. The rise in postage charges appears to date back to the increased pressure placed on buyers to purchase a tracking number. Buyers have responded by making that purchase along with comments like, "I feel anxious unless the whole journey of an item can be tracked". 

 Australia Post is reliable and I have not lost any items, tracked or untracked, as a buyer or seller. So I want to offer an alternative to buying tracking numbers which will save buyers money. Instead of buyers paying for a tracking number, I am offering a system based on proving an item has been sent to the correct person at the correct address.

When I sell an item it is taken to our local post office where it is stamped and photographed before being sent. This constitutes "proof of postage" and can be sent to any person concerned about their purchase.

Buyers also need to have more patience with the postal system in general, especially since Covid. If it can be proved that an item was posted to the correct buyer and correct address with the date noted, then that buyer needs to undertake not to lodge an "item not received" claim with ebay.

If both of these conditions are met, then there is no need to charge above the standard economical rate of postage. In the case of Australia, this means that an international buyer saves approximately $15 (AU) which is not a huge sum but adds up over time and multiple purchases. Tracking numbers are still available if a buyer wants to purchase one.


With some listings on this site, the catalogue value of a stamp has been included.
Multiple references have been used to determine the cited catalogue value of stamps listed here.  Standard catalogues, Michel, Gibbons and Scott cover most items. Current reputable auction houses like Cherrystone and Status International provide some guide to more esoteric items along with the price determined by demand.