
                       Auctions start-up prices based on the quality not the quantity.

                                     Used Auction sale................£ 1.00 Start - Up
                                     Mint Hinged and Used.........£ 1.50 Start - Up
                                     Mint Hinged or MLH.............£ 2.00 Start - Up
                                     Mint Not Hinged...................£ 2.50 + Start - Up

Full page sales are simply that, a full page of stamps ( The page it is pictured on is for presentation purposes only and is not included in the sale unless stated ), the start-up price remains the same regardless of the quantity.

None of these prices are based on the stamps values, only what the sale goes for will determine its value.

This is a new Auction based rule, and all of the new sales will be changed to this new standard, all other sales which have not been priced up to this list.......are fair game to on them before i change them, is all i can say....bidding prevents me from changing them.


After careful consideration and research i have found albums sell for less on here than if you bought it from a auction or car-boot, its albums cost way too much, no matter what rubbish is inside, it does beg the question why anyone buys albums at the car-boot anymore if you can get them for cheaper online.

So i have come up with a start-up price for each album based on the size of the album regardless of what is inside.......the value of the album all really depends on how much you want it but the start-up price doesn't mean it is worth just that.

Offers on auction based will only be considered if the offer is over the amount not under stated.

1. Pocket Sized Album...........£ 4.99 Start - Up.
2. Hand - Sized Album............£ 9.99 Start - Up
3. A4 Sized Album.................. £ 14.99 Start - Up
4. A4 sized Album which is heavy and has a lot of pages £19.99

I repeat these prices are not what they are worth, they are simply start-ups.......if you want me to stop the auction early then make an offer over the amount above and i will consider it.

The above prices will not change anymore, they will remain these prices until sold or removed from sale ( i sometimes remove sales because i own a offline antiques shop and put old sales in here ).

                                                         Stamp Classifications In My shop

1. Mixed Used stamps are simply used stamps which have been quality checked for imperfections, more often than not i will only put on the best used stamps.
2. Mint Hinged or Mint Lightly Hinged are stamps which are mint on the front but on the reverse side, it could have a full hinge / part of a hinge or simply the imprint of where the hinge used to be ( sometimes stamps such as this have paper remnants instead of hinges, i class them the same as (MH).
3. MNH.....are top quality issues which have no marks on the front or reverse side.....Most (MNH) stamps in my shop will have the full gum intact but some could be MNG, it all really depends on the sale.

                                                            Best offers

Tbh, i'm not a fan of the new best offer ruling on Auction Based Sales because we sellers have no choice but to list sales cheap in order to gain interest.......This makes potential customers think the sales are worth less ( aren't auctions supposed to be, the highest bidder wins ), well not in this case, the new best offer option forces us sellers to put in a lower price whether we like it or not......So, because of this i have decided to only respond to reasonable offers based on whatever sale is at hand.


All GB stamp related sales are Freepost.........whether you buy one or one hundred.

International Sales is only Freepost if you buy £20.00GBP.

Please ask for a total when you have finished buying, when buying multiple items, there should be some information about how to do this on your invoice.

All postage for all sales will be sent on the lowest cost..........The lowest cost is not tracked which means no tracking numbers.

Sellers Fun Fact :-

I was browsing this site the other day and i found a seller selling stamps which were worthless, so i decided to investigate, these stamps were a dime a dozen, all of his sales ( i cannot name the seller because this post wouldn't be allowed if i did ), take one example from his shop, it was a blue 2.5d KGVI Definitive which was basically buttered up to be a rare issue ( rare my foot, there must be close to a 10 million in circulation in the same quality ), but i suppose if you don't know, you don't here it was this super rare ( not really rare stamp ) with a price tag of £1000 per stamp, i was shocked to see that this stamp was the last one, he had sold 3 previously, omg there really are some clueless people in this world, but it is true, this seller had sold 3 previous stamps for the same price........i rename his shop....(Lucky Stamp Shop ), i must admit i can only imagine the look on those 3 other buyers faces in years to come when they realise the stamp they have bought is worthless......wouldn't that be a picture......the golden rule in stamping is never buy a stamp which hasn't been researched.....its my rule, make it yours.

Seller fact.......If you don't know stamps, don't buy them....most sellers butter up their sales, i'm sure you have all heard of the old estate collection, its commonly used, or another one, attic find....its all some research on the stamps, do not be the person above, buy a valuable stamp, there are valuable stamps out there on auction, then click on number of bids, this will give you an idea of what is popular or not......i repeat don't be the buyers above.

Come and tell me your bogus stamp sales find.......i do enjoy a good laugh.

Ciao for now
