JOHN KINGERLEE, (B. 1936), mixed media, signed with artists monogram lower left, inscribed verso with monogram, title, artists name, ‘skib 2016’, and dated 2016. Dimensions: 16in x 12in approx. matted.  artwork is 6 inch by 8 inch Provenance: From the Artists’ studio in West Cork

artist john Kingerlee b1936 Considered to be one of Ireland's leading contemporary artists, 86 years old ,the reclusive and eminent artist John Kingerlee,  who was described by a leading New York Times art critic as the 'best artist since Turner'.

 A non-conformist at heart, John has turned his back on the traditional way of seeing and depicting landscape - as a series of parallel planes that are made to appear to recede from foreground to background by the artists manipulation of linear and aerial perspective. Recognising that perspective itself is a mathematical construct, John takes a different approach that is as radical as it is original. He states that he wants his art to recreate the experience of being in and moving through the landscape.