If you just want the best frequency imprinted jewelry, 
you've found it, select which one you want and you're done!

Healing Touch: A Natural Instinct

Remember when you were a child and you fell down? A parent or sibling would instinctively place their hand on the injury to comfort you. This simple act, often without realizing it, is a form of Reiki—where healing energy is applied through touch. We may not always understand the science behind it, but we all know how comforting and healing that touch can be.

Our imprinted jewelry works in a similar way. Each piece is designed to provide continuous healing energy, just like that comforting touch. The frequencies embedded in each piece help balance and harmonize your energy, offering protection and support throughout your day. When you wear it, you carry that same comforting, healing energy with you everywhere. 

List of current offered frequencies

Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz)
Schumann Resonance is the fundamental frequency of the Earth. 
It can be used to help "ground"/"relax". 

Other known uses are healing acceleration, learning aid, stress toleration. It's named after Winfried Otto Schumann, you can look him up on google/wikipedia.

Solfeggio Frequency (417 Hz)
Solfeggio frequencies refer to specific tones of sound that help with and promote various aspects of body and mind health. These frequencies are reputed to date back to ancient history. Physician and researcher, Dr. Joseph Puleo, rediscovered Solfeggio frequencies in the 1970s. 

Frequency 417 Hz is used to help break emotional patterns.

Solfeggio Frequency (741 Hz)
Frequency 741 Hz is used for awakening intuition/acquiring non linear knowledge. 

7 Chakras (45 Hz, 55 Hz, 70 Hz, 85 Hz, 90 Hz, 95 Hz,100 Hz)
Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Custom Imprints (Tailored Just for You)
We offer a unique, personalized category called "Custom Imprints" where you, the customer, play an integral role in the creation process. This service is designed to provide you with a product that resonates specifically with your current emotional or physical needs.

How Custom Works:
Message to the Seller: When you make a purchase, eBay allows you to send a message to the seller with up to 500 characters (if you accidentally miss it you can also send us a message on eBay, if 500 characters is not enough to explain yourself well you can send a message too, if it's important to you then it is important to me). Describe your needs in as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable, what you are experiencing or hoping to improve. Whether it’s seeking relief from depression, needing a boost of happiness, or anything else, your input is crucial.
Short examples could be "I'm scared" or "I'm not happy" a longer answer could explain why you are scared or unhappy.

If you want to know some of the science 
behind our imprinted jewelry keep reading!

Why buy from us?

We believe in transparency and scientific testing. Anyone can claim what they are selling offers some "magic" benefit without proof. We have developed a process influenced by the insights of doctors like Freddy Ulan and Bradley Nelson, as well as renowned teachers of frequencies such as Tony Robins and Bob Proctor. (1)

Our Unique Process

First we have to clean 🧽

Natural Frequencies and Vibrations:
Every object in the universe, from the smallest pebble to the most complex piece of technology, naturally vibrates at its own unique frequency. This is an unalterable law of physics. However, not all materials interact with frequencies in the same way.

Responsiveness to Frequencies:
Think about a smartphone, when you type a note, the data is saved to its hard drive, it's super fast, it's ready to accept the data. But, this same receptiveness makes it vulnerable to external influences. Like how a strong magnet can easily erase data on a smartphone because the magnetic field disrupts the frequency alignment of the data stored. So, if we want an excellent, really focused imprinting we need to remove this vibrational/frequency data from our gemstones.(2)

This means in our process, the first critical step is cleansing. Just as magnets can erase data by realigning frequencies on a phone, we use magnets to reset the natural frequencies of the minerals in our jewelry. We set the magnets in an optimal arrangement and expose our minerals to them for no less than 3 hrs (though most are left undisturbed overnight). This ensures they start from a neutral, clean state, ready for precise frequency imprinting.

But Will My Imprinting Last?

Yes! Remember Imprinting frequencies onto materials is like writing data to a hard drive but is influenced by the material's properties. Some materials, like the minerals used in our jewelry, resist changes. This resistance means that while they are harder to imprint, once altered, the imprint is incredibly durable and stable. This stability is crucial for maintaining the beneficial properties we embed into each piece. HOWEVER it is important to not rest your piece on a magnet because you can accidentally weaken the imprint. The recommended amount of time to expose a mineral to a frequency for imprinting is 3 minutes to 20 minutes, longer times give a stronger imprint, our standard imprints are put on for no less than 2 hours.

(Custom imprints are available for an extra $10 more info below. They get no less then 21 minutes time to ensure it's a good imprinting)

How Can This Help Me? (Proof of Effectiveness) 

Scientific Validation

We don't just ask you to believe in our process; we back it up with evidence. Inspired by principles from physics and bioresonance, let's be fair, the placebo effect is real, it's probably keeping our competitors in business so here are documented experiments that show "How this helps you!"

Understanding Muscle Testing and Stress

Dr. Freddy Ulan teaches that muscle testing is a direct method to assess stress in the body. According to his teachings, a relaxed body can handle various challenges efficiently, but a stressed body struggles significantly. This principle forms the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of our imprinted jewelry. Through muscle testing, we can observe how our products help the body manage and resist stress.

Demonstrating the Power of Positive Frequencies

Dr. Bradley Nelson,  conducted a groundbreaking experiment that illustrates the impact of thoughts (frequencies) on the human body. Here's how it unfolded:

Experiment Setup:
In a public demonstration, Dr. Nelson selects a volunteer who is proven testable through muscle testing.

With the volunteer's eyes closed and facing away from the audience, Dr. Nelson silently instructs the audience to either think positive or negative thoughts about the volunteer using his hand.

On a thumbs-up, the audience was directed to send positive thoughts towards the volunteer. During this, the volunteer's muscle response was strong. Conversely, on a thumbs-down, the audience switched to negative thoughts, causing a noticeable weakening in the volunteer's muscle response. (3)

This experiment vividly demonstrates that even thoughts can emit frequencies strong enough to influence physical strength and stress levels. It serves as a practical example of how surrounding frequencies can impact our well-being. 

How Our Jewelry Helps

Our imprinted jewelry works on a similar principle to Dr. Bradley Nelson's experiment but in a beneficial and enhancing manner. It consistently emits positive frequencies.

Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz)
Schumann Resonance is the fundamental frequency of the Earth. 
It can be used to help "ground"/"relax". 

Other known uses are healing acceleration, learning aid, stress toleration. It's named after Winfried Otto Schumann, you can look him up on google/wikipedia.

Solfeggio Frequency (417 Hz)
Solfeggio frequencies refer to specific tones of sound that help with and promote various aspects of body and mind health. These frequencies are reputed to date back to ancient history. Physician and researcher, Dr. Joseph Puleo, rediscovered Solfeggio frequencies in the 1970s. 

Frequency 417 Hz is used to help break emotional patterns.

Solfeggio Frequency (741 Hz)
Frequency 741 Hz is used for awakening intuition/acquiring non linear knowledge. 

7 Chakras (45 Hz, 55 Hz, 70 Hz, 85 Hz, 90 Hz, 95 Hz,100 Hz)
Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Custom Imprints (Tailored Just for You)
We offer a unique, personalized category called "Custom Imprints" where you, the customer, play an integral role in the creation process. This service is designed to provide you with a product that resonates specifically with your current emotional or physical needs.

How It Works:
Message to the Seller: When you make a purchase, eBay allows you to send a message to the seller with up to 500 characters (if you accidentally miss it you can also send us a message on eBay, if 500 characters is not enough to explain yourself well you can send a message too, if it's important to you then it is important to me). Describe your needs in as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable, what you are experiencing or hoping to improve. Whether it’s seeking relief from depression, needing a boost of happiness, or anything else, your input is crucial.
Short examples could be "I'm scared" or "I'm not happy" a longer answer could explain why you are scared or unhappy.

Based on your message, I will use the practical tools I have and my intuition to select the most appropriate frequency or item for your imprint. This could range from choosing a healing frequency that I feel matches your needs to selecting a personal real world item that symbolically addresses your needs. 

For example, maybe you want something for doing well in school, like you are nervous about starting school, maybe something for improved thinking would help? Or maybe my intuition will tell me something for negating fear would be better (we learn best when we are in a calm state) maybe you mentioned the last time you took that class the teacher wasn't very nice to you, emotional healing might be what you need to do better. Whatever I end up doing I will explain in a note I put in with your order.


Occasionally, the imprinting process will be featured on our YouTube channel Super Horror Show (that's why it's the name I'm using on ebay) it's a channel about bringing people together with scary story telling and exploring the paranormal, unexplained, etc. I probably should have mentioned this earlier but we have over 8K subscribers, you can see our faces, there are videos where we are walking through the woods. Again, other sellers can say what they want, that they are peaceful, etc but you can actually see us, hear us, technically you can listen to us tell you stories 😆. We are 100% real and are working to make the world a kinder, gentler and more patient place. Because this information is valuable we will be showcasing some of these things there live to allow people to ask questions, if your order is done live we will not use your name and will not share the private details of what you've written, but we will give enough information for people to follow along. So I might say "this person is a musician and wants more creativity and has requested a custom imprint" and then people can see my thought process and will get some insight into how the radionics machine works and demonstrate the care and intention behind each custom imprint.

(1) Nelson, B. (2007). The Emotion Code. Wellness Unmasked Publishing. Robbins, T. (1991). Awaken the Giant Within. Simon & Schuster. Proctor, B. (1984). You Were Born Rich. LifeSuccess Publications. Ulan, F. (2013). Summary of the Theory and Purpose of Dr. Ulan's Nutrition Response Testing. Professional Enhancement Services, Inc.

(2) Nelson, B. (2007). The Emotion Code. 

(3) Nelson, B. (2007). The Emotion Code. 


The stones we used are tumbled making them smooth and pleasant to wear but they are in fact a natural product this means there can be deviations or what some people might consider "imperfections" in the stones. They are still beautiful but understand there is a natural variance to these things.

The products and information provided by this listing are intended for educational and informational purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As always, please consult with a healthcare professional before starting or stopping any medicine or new dietary supplements, especially if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention.