Vintage 1976

MATCHBOX Superfast


Made in England


The vehicle measures approximately 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) in length.

Mint, Loose, Not in Box


The MATCHBOX vehicle is in excellent, gently played, mint condition (see pictures). There are no scratches. There are no paint chips. The dumpster operates.  All the parts are included. It is loose and not in the box.


Picture #1:

A picture of the right side of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #2:

A picture of the front of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #3:

A picture of the left side of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #4:

A picture of the rear of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #5:

A picture from above of the front & right side of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #6:

A picture from above of the front & left side of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #7:

A picture from above of the rear & right side of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #8:

A picture from above of the rear & left side of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #9:

A picture from above of the top of the MATCHBOX vehicle.


Picture #10:

A picture of the bottom of the MATCHBOX vehicle with the stamped information.


r 202-12-11

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