NEW XBox 360 Slim - XBox 360 S XCM X8 Unlock Opening Tool Kit

Every tool you will ever need to cleanly open the XBox 360 Slim console -- and they are all thick and high quality tools.  This is for the pros!!!  If you are opening XBox 360 Slim consoles on a regular basis, this will make your life so much easier!!! The L shaped tool is used to open the T10 screws so that you can lift the case off.  The other side of the L shaped tool is a T8 screwdriver.  The other tools are various lengths to get the clips of the XBox 360 Slim apart easily and cleanly!

Yes there are other ways to open your XBox 360 Slim -- and there are other tool sets -- but you will thank yourself for spending the money for this!!! Especially if you are doing this regularly!