Slave of the Cannibal God (1978)
Sergio Martino
Cast: Ursula Andress, Stacy Keach, Claudio Cassinelli, Antonio Marsina, Franco Fantasia, & Lanfranco Spinola
Description: Filmed in Sri Lanka, this Italian cult classic stars Ursula Andress as a woman attempting to find her husband in the jungles of Indonesia. After several deadly mishaps on the remote island of Roka, she is captured by a tribe of cannibals who are worshiping the remains of her husband as they believe his still functioning Geiger counter to be his heart. As the cannibalistic tribe prepares (and does) eat her companions, she searches for a way to escape the horror. Interesting note: the film was banned in the United Kingdom until 2001 because of graphic animal violence. It is also known as “The Mountain of the Cannibal God.” 
Color/B&W: COLOR  Running Time: 103 mins.