She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword DVD (2006) George DiCenzo cert U 2 discs

Title: She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword Leading Actor: George DiCenzo Region: Region 2 Duration: 260 mins Format: DVD / Normal Type: DVD No. of Discs: 2 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Warner Bros. Home Ent. UK Release Date: 25 Sep 2006 Edition: Normal

Full-length feature comprising the first five episodes of 'She-Ra: Princess of Power', edited to form a stand-alone movie. Prince Adam of Eternia, otherwise known as He-Man, journeys to the land of Etheria to track down the mysterious owner of a magic sword. Upon its discovery, Hordak and his minions meet the might of He-Man head-on, but their captain, Adora, seems to have a strange connection to the magical blade. Can this servant of evil be connected to the magical blade?

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