XL Mylar Packet - Strawflower Seeds
Gold Vault Mylar Zip Packet

  The original strawflower comes from Australia, where it still grows wild as a native species. The first botanical records of the strawflower date back to 1803, with the publication of a work called Jardin de Malmaison. this book, a catalog of the species grown at the Chateau de Malmaison, was completed by French botanist Etienne Pierre Ventenat at the request of Napoleon's wife Josephine, who had an avid interest in rare plants. Hybrid forms of this flower first became popular in mid 19th century Europe as a result of the horticultural research of expert botanist Herren Ebritsch.

  Direct sow seeds in early spring, pressing them into the surface of the soil since they need light to germinate. Keep the soil moist until germination, which usually occurs within 8-10 days. To start indoors, plant several seeds each in peat pots; keep the soil lightly moist and at a temperature of 70-75 degrees F until germination. Transplant the seedlings outdoors after the last chance of frost or when they can safely be handled.

  These seeds are non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), and are also free from all Neonicotinoids.  They are packaged in our superb Gold Mylar Mylar Zip Packaging, which gives the seeds the best storage possible, and allows you to reseal the bag for later use.  The artwork and labels on the packet are loaded with information - many people comment that it is the most beautiful packet that they have ever seen.  If you have never tried out our seeds before, this is your chance to experience something special!