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And Then There was Beer - The Story of Kentish Breweries, by J.P. Hollingsworth

Published by Stenlake in 2016, 128 pages. Large softback - 21cm by 27cm (N6211)

Brand New Book

Essentially this is a book about the breweries of the county of Kent, arranged alphabetically by town and detailing the history of each one. As such it's the kind of reference book that local historians will find very useful to have on their shelves as there is very little published on this subject. Although the main section of the book is the gazetteer of the breweries and their histories, there are helpful introductory sections on the origins of beer in Kent, the growing and harvesting of hops, the oast house, the malthouse and the public house.

When we post our books, we take great care in packaging them - first your book will be wrapped in bubblewrap, which protects the book and even keeps out any rain (in the event that it's raining when the postie delivers it!). Then we wrap your book in stiff cardboard, taking care to make sure all the corners are protected, and finally the package is wrapped in thick brown paper.

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