Fishing tackle and equipment

FishUp Tanta


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FishUp is Ukrainian manufacturer of fishing baits and lures, which was founded by anglers, multiple winners of various competitions all around Ukraine.

History of FishUp began after production of several insects imitations. Initially, those lures have been made for personal use only, but they turned out to be really useful and effective, that led to their immediate popularity among anglers and fishermen. Those positive reviews about catchability and effectiveness have urged us to launch our project, which is based on desire to create high-quality, highly efficient and affordable product.

All FishUp lures are designed and manufactured in Ukraine with help of special equipment. Before starting mass production, we subject them to a long testing and improvement process.

For manufacture of FishUp lures only high-quality materials as well as natural attractants and salts are being used, that make them so effective and attractive to fish.


FishUp Tanta - ein Gummiköder, der eine Gattung des Ringelwurms imitiert.

Das wichtigste Ziel bei der Entwicklung von Tanta, war der Wunsch nach einem kleinen elastischen Köder, der zugleich recht voluminös ist und eine in Natur vorkommende bevorzugte Beute von Raubfischen imitiert. Dank der delikaten Form und einem gerippten Körper ist Tanta äußerst biegsam, was sich insbesondere für langsame Arten der Köderführung als sehr wichtig erweist. Diese Elastizität, lässt Tanta schon bei kleinsten Zupfern sehr verlockend spielen und lockt damit selbst den wählerischsten Raubfisch an.

Der Einsatz von Tanta ist jedoch nicht nur auf die passiven Angeltage beschränkt. Tanta ist ein universeller Köder! Unabhängig von der Fischaktivität, lässt sich Tantra sehr vielseitig fischen.

Alle Köder sind ursprünglich Attraktor mit dem Duft von Krebs getränkt.

Tanta is a bait, which imitates one of the species of annelid worms.

Creation of Tanta was inspired by our desire to have a small flexible and at the same time relatively big bait that resembles to natural fish food. Due to its delicate basis and crosscut plates making up the body of the bait, Tanta is phenomenally flexible, which allows it to bring success while trying variety of passive dragging methods. Due to its elasticity, Tanta plays perfectly even under the most accurate animations, attracting choosey, cautious predators.

Nevertheless, it will be a mistake to use Tanta only for catching passive fish! Tanta is a very versatile bait, that works well with different kinds of animation and is very effective regardless of whether fish is active or not.

All our products have crawfish attractor.

FishUp Tanta 1"
Fisch: Forelle, Barsch
Inhalt: 12 Stück
Länge: 22 mm
Länge zoll: 1.00 zoll